

Leading an organization that's growing very fast is like being captain of a ship in a gale!

Dave McClure pioneered "Startup Metrics for Pirates." with AARRR, a set of metrics you can use for Product Marketing and Product Management. We've developed BOOM, a set of metrics measuring your organization’s readiness to handle the growth that success brings. Pork Cannon brings BOOM and AARRR together in a quick quiz format, so that you can gauge readiness and pivot your product and your organizational culture to stay healthy and grow fast!

Who should take this quiz:Whether you're a CEO or an individual contributor, this quiz can help you. The assessments are targeted for decision makers, who often need to develop new approaches and perspectives to navigate the challenges of a high-growth environment.
If you are a funder, taking the quiz as a proxy for an organization will show you key steps you can encourage an organization's leadership to take in order to rationally address risks.

© Pork Cannon Inc